As usual he found a parking spot , park, lock, check everything that is not against the rule and regulation of wrongly parking on spot or what so ever it is called; we head on to one of my favourite food lot a.k.a VEGETARIAN. Why vege? Long story might blog it if there's the time.
So after we had a healthy vege treat, we then went back to my friends car...
To our surprise ....

Took a few but this ones are best describe on the situation we were in ! Notice the green viva, that's the one i'm riding in! and take note on this car's plate don't park near it or ur car might get humped!
Now for the blabbing:
"WTF ! Come on la dude(or whoever drove the car), no parking lot go find some othr place la, why must park behind ppls car,ur car need some humping business wid some cars while u'r away? WTF! and FYI ur car is kinda long some more block the othr person's car beside us...what's this la man!"
And we waited thr for like more half and hour plus some annoying "horning" by my friend's car, no one came ... NO ONE CAME and MOVE THIS F**KING car, eh, orang nak balik kerja la oi !
So we gave up and went to a nearby bookstore. After a while, we got back and to our surpise... the car's GONE ! My friends and i still feels kinda pissed-off due to the trouble we've to go through, and we wanted to punch the person face for being such an ass HOLE @%%@^&@!#!&^#@!&$
So we got back to work half an hour late but i still feel kinda mad for ppl like this driver, how can u get a driving license man ! And i bet the driver might think that he came back on time for his car earlier than us, yeah-rite! we were there when your car was "HUMPING" other cars...but wasn't there when you move your car away!
NOTE to all drivers out there:
If you need to block ppls car, PLEASE at least leave a phone number that the person you're currently blocking can contact you to move away your car ! IS THAT SIMPLE !
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